Speculative evolution brought to life with graphite and waxed pigment on Manila paper, breathing vitality into imagined futures. Speculative evolution series.
1 Comment
Apr 12, 2024
"Speculative" being the key word. You can see multiple images in each of the drawings. Your imagination can go wild. Sort of like a sculptor, looking at a batch of fresh clay plopped on his worktable, before starting his latest creation. Imagining the different objects he can possibly create from the clay. The "evolution" being the final imagined result from your mind. Very creative! ✔️❤️
"Speculative" being the key word. You can see multiple images in each of the drawings. Your imagination can go wild. Sort of like a sculptor, looking at a batch of fresh clay plopped on his worktable, before starting his latest creation. Imagining the different objects he can possibly create from the clay. The "evolution" being the final imagined result from your mind. Very creative! ✔️❤️