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Too Soon for Christmas?

It’s officially November! And in my house, that means the Christmas music has already begun. John Legend came out with a new album and it is very festive. But one of my favorite Christmas albums is by the Pentatonix. They have like three and they are all amazing. Their voices are heavenly and their rendition of “God Rest Ye Gentlemen” feels like cold weather, hot chocolate, blankets, a fire place, and home. There are just so many Christmas albums though, you really shouldn’t pick favorites. Justin Bieber’s is still heavily played by me every year. Even though it is a bit out of date, his rendition of “Little Drummer Boy” is everything I need in a Christmas song.

Even though I have already started my Christmas playlists, I know others might think it is too early. While I can somewhat understand that logic, at the same time I don’t. There aren’t any Thanksgiving songs, except the ones we sang in elementary school. I love Thanksgiving and my food comas lasts until about Christmas, but the Christmas songs need to start far before Thanksgiving in order to get into full Christmas before the 25th. So, when you hear Christmas music being played around campus, just embrace it! Or don’t, either or.

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