Amelia Dirks
Sep 12, 20163 min read
An Inspirational Ordinary: creating throughout the monotony of daily routine
I’m not alone in my almost superhuman ability to justify procrastination; if it was an Olympic sport, every collegiate in the world would...

John Grennek
Sep 12, 20163 min read
Shut Up and Stop Telling Me You're Going to Write
(or Stop Telling Me You’re... if the above is too fiery/obnoxious/whatever) I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve heard “Oh, that’s...

Kirsten Corbman
Sep 12, 20162 min read
Screw Your Stereotypes: A Writer's Reply
Photo courtesy of Fredrik Rubensson. Us creative writers get a bad rap—the clichés and the stereotypes tell the masses we are tortured...

Anna Harjung
Sep 12, 20162 min read
DCVT is What's for Me
Photo: Lauren Rakes. Audrey is pictured second from the left in the second row in this photo from the Spring 2016 Showcase. DCVT, or...

John Grennek
Sep 10, 20165 min read
A Hokie's Road to Rio
Literature and art transcend any geopolitical boundaries. They’re an expression of humanity that’s purely honest. Once every four years...

Amelia Dirks
Sep 10, 20164 min read
Marrying Your Work: The Matrimony Between Creator and Craft
An adage has plagued the lifestyle of a writer: success comes from being married to the work. Perhaps there’s some truth to it; writers...

Anna Harjung
Sep 7, 20163 min read
Silhouette Takes Gobblerfest!
Silhouette kicked off the year at Gobblerfest on Friday, September 2nd. Students meandering around the Drillfield located Silhouette...

Grace Cutsinger
Apr 5, 20162 min read
Q & A with Libby Howe, author of "How To Be A Whore"
Libby Howe, a senior majoring in English, wrote a prose piece called "How to be a Whore" that was chosen for publication in the fall 2015...

Grace Cutsinger
Oct 7, 20151 min read
Can't wait? Us either!
Hello friends! We're excited to announce that our blog is expected to launch in March of 2016! Stay tuned, folks, it's gonna be fun!